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Shifting Sands
Test Post

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♥ Layout Designed by Yani from Volare Designs

About the Blog
This blog was created to showcase my submissions to the LiveJournal community 100 Themes. I have claimed two pairings from two different series. The first pairing is Touzoku'ou Bakura and Jyonouchi Katsuya from Yuugiou; the second pairing I've claimed is Envy and Edward Elric from Fullmetal Alchemist. There will be close to 200 stories when I've completed all the themes, even though I am likely to double up on a few of them. Yes, these works will all be shounen-ai in nature; if that's not your kink, you're free to leave.

Fullmetal Alchemist, Edward Elric and Envy © Arakawa Hiromu
Yuugiou, Touzoku'ou Bakura and Jyonouchi Katsuya © Takahashi Kazuki
hits since 6 January 2006

The Stories
Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sam Who?

Title: Sam Who?
Theme: 086 - Holiday
Fandom: Yuugiou
Pairing: Touzoku'ou Bakura x Jyonouchi Katsuya (wrapshipping)
Rating: T

(Note: Yes, this is the thief king. Why it's him and how he's in modern Japan is semi-explained herein.)

"So who's this Sam guy the stupid Pharaoh and his midget were talking about?"

Jyonouchi looked up from the English homework he was attempting to do and shot Bakura an odd look. "Sam?"

The thief nodded. "Yeah. Sam Hayne or something. Who is he?" Bakura scowled when his boyfriend started snickering. "What?"

"They were talking about Samhain" - he pronounced it so-ween - "it's a holiday, but not really celebrated here. It's more of an American holiday; they call it Halloween."

"Oh." Bakura seemed to be letting the subject drop, so Jyonouchi returned his attention to his book. "What happens on Samhain?"

Knowing from past experience that Bakura wasn't going to stop till he had an answer, the blond pushed his homework off to one side and rested his elbows on the table. "I don't really know much about it. What I do know is, the Celts used to divide the year into two parts, light and dark. The light was marked by Beltane on May 1, and the dark by Samhain on November 1. It was a pretty important holiday for them."

Bakura leaned on the table, chin propped on his hand and silver eyes locked on his boyfriend's. "So what's all this hubbub about October 31?"

"Well, the Celts saw that date as the most magically potent time of the festival of Samhain," the blond said with a small shrug; in all honesty he was a bit fascinated by other cultural beliefs, even with his fear of the occult (of which Bakura was trying to break him). "They felt that the laws of time and space were suspended, and the dead were able to communicate with the living. It was a big deal for them. There are still people who feel that way and celebrate Samhain rather than Halloween. In a sense I guess it's kinda like Obon that way."

"Well, I like Obon," Bakura said with a slight smirk.

Jyonouchi couldn't help but ask, "Oh? And why's that, Kura?" The Egyptian responded by leaning across the table and lightly tugging at the cord around the other's neck, pulling the Sennen Ring up into view for a moment.

"Because that's the day I came back to you," Bakura said matter-of-factly before leaning in to steal a kiss, although it couldn't really be called stealing seeing as Jyonouchi wasn't protesting. "Now do your homework, Jyonou."

"Baka." It was said affectionately, though.

"I'm not the one failing English."

"No, but you are the one who keeps distracting me when I'm trying to study," Jyonouchi countered with a decisive nod. He yelped slightly when Bakura moved around the table, picked him up, sat down in the chair and pulled him down into his lap.

"There. Do your homework."

Silence settled between them, comfortably so, and the younger of the pair returned his attention to his studies.

" what's this 'trick-or-treat' thing?"


Sources for Samhain information are as follows:
Eternal SailorM, since she's part of why I went with this particular holiday for the theme ^^

And yes, Jyonouchi can't get a break. Apparently Yuugi explained all the 'fun' aspects of holidays to Atem, who bragged them to Bakura, who now wants the 'real' story from his boyfriend. It's a vicious cycle, really ^^;

Posted 7:48 PM

Thank yous

My wonderful beta reader Eternal SailorM, who catches my spelling and grammar goofs.
The moderators of 100 Themes for creating and maintaining the community so well.
All readers and reviewers, without whom I'd just be writing for my own amusement.